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Энтони Блинкен

Подписчики: 1499

фотография Энтони Блинкен
Был активен в сети 07 октября 2023 в 10:18:38

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  • Живёт сейчас в:США, Washington, D.C.
  • Страница ВКонтакте:id753909723
  • Ник:secblinken
  • Сайт:https://www.instagram.com/secblinken
  • Дата рождения:16 апреля 1962 (62 года)

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  • Деятельность:

    Antony J. Blinken is the 71st U.S. Secretary of State. He was nominated by President Biden on November 23, 2020; confirmed by the U.S. Senate on January 26, 2021; and sworn in by Vice President Kamala Harris the following day. Over three decades and three presidential administrations, Mr. Blinken has helped shape U.S. foreign policy to ensure it protects U.S. interests and delivers results for the American people. He served as deputy secretary of state for President Barack Obama from 2015 to 2017, and before that, as President Obama’s principal deputy national security advisor. In that role, Mr. Blinken chaired the interagency deputies committee, the main forum for hammering out the administration’s foreign policy. During the first term of the Obama Administration, Mr. Blinken was national security advisor to then-Vice President Joe Biden. This was the continuation of a long professional relationship that stretched back to 2002, when Mr. Blinken began his six-year stint as Democratic staff director for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Then-Senator Biden was the chair of that committee from 2001 to 2003 and 2007 to 2009. During the Clinton Administration, Mr. Blinken served as a member of the National Security Council staff, including two years as the senior director for European affairs, the president’s principal advisor on the countries of Europe, the European Union, and NATO. He also spent four years as President Clinton’s chief foreign policy speechwriter, and he led the NSC’s strategic planning team. Mr. Blinken’s public service began at the State Department. From 1993 to 1994, he was a special assistant in what was then called the Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs. Now he is proud to lead the department where he got his start in government nearly 30 years ago. Outside of government, Mr. Blinken has worked in the private sector, civil society, and journalism. He was a founder of WestExec Advisors, an international strategic consulting firm focused on geopolitics and national security. He was a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies from 2001 and 2002. Before joining government, Mr. Blinken practiced law in New York and Paris. He was also a reporter for The New Republic magazine and is the author of Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis (Praeger, 1987). Mr. Blinken attended grade school and high school in Paris, where he received a French Baccalaureat degree with high honors. He is a graduate of Harvard College and Columbia Law School. He and his wife Evan Ryan have two children.


У каждого из нас есть друзья, знакомые, коллеги и родственники. Именно таких людей обычно мы френдим в социальных сетях. Ниже представлены все те, кого Энтони Блинкен считает своим другом.

Список друзей может иметь разную величину - от пары человек до нескольких тысяч людей. Здесь всё зависит от уровня социальной активности, коммуникабельности человека.

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Если вы убеждены, что у пользователя есть друзья, но список пуст - попробуйте обновить страницу, вероятно, из-за нагрузок френды не отобразились, так иногда случается.


В социальных сетях люди часто делятся своими фотографиями. Впрочем, не обязательно это будут фотоснимки - часто выкладываются картинки, забавные изображения, другие интересные материалы.

Если фотографии пользователя не загрузились с первого раза, попробуйте обновить страничку - нередко информация не отображается сразу из-за высоких нагрузок.

  •  фото №1

Это вполне нормальное явление, сталкиваются с ними как те люди, кто использует мобильные устройства, так и персональные компьютеры.