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Люди публикуют о себе самую разную информацию. Кто-то рассказывает подробно о каждом моменте своей жизни, кто-то более лаконичен и предпочитает довольствоваться минимальным количеством сведений.

Иногда фото не загружается с первого раза - в этом случае рекомендуем просто обновить страницу (виной всему высокий уровень нагрузок и большое количество запросов к серверам ВК). В некоторых случаях отсутствие фото и друзей на странице обусловлено настройками приватности.

Anna Nyström

Подписчики: 11493

фотография Anna Nyström
Была активна в сети 25 июня 2024 в 04:04:34

Проверяем доступную информацию Anna Nyström из социальных сетей...

  • Живёт сейчас в:Швеция, Stockholm
  • Родной город:Stockholm
  • Страница ВКонтакте:id606507693
  • Ник:annaxnystrom
  • О себе:Full Name: Anna Nyström Height 5'1" (155cm) Age 27 Date of Birth June 19, 1992 Nationality Swedish Profession Fitness Model Era Social Media Celebrity 2010 Born in Stockholm, Sweden. Mother Ida Varg. Since I started posting photos of myself on social media, I've become an online celebrity. It all started in 2013, when I, like many others, created my own social media account. At this time I was worried difficult times with my health, and I had days when I was in too much pain to even get out of bed. I have always loved photography, drawing and everything related to creativity, so it became natural for me to start sharing it on my pages in social networks. I also love animals very much. I set myself high goals to reach new milestones in my career, as well as inspire people and go for what they want in life. And I put out my best photos, statistics, and my workouts. I don't like to talk about my life before popularity. I was often ill and could not afford all the joys of life. It was my family and friends who made me believe in my strength and start going to the gym. With each new workout, I felt that I had chosen the right one path. The support of others was a great motivator for me. In 2013, I decided to share my success with others and created an Instagram account. It brought me worldwide fame. After several years of active fitness classes and provocative Internet activity, I became a top-level personal trainer. My figure has attracted advertisers. Now you can see me in ads for underwear, clothing, and sports nutrition. The main highlight of the work was Instagram. By 2020, my page has almost 8.5 million subscribers. I chose a great strategy for drawing attention. I post a lot of photos of a fairly Frank nature. It makes men watch my training closely, and it motivates women to work on themselves. In Sweden, I can only compete with the leggy model Iya Ostergren. I love to travel and discover new countries. Due to the established style of Internet activity, I delight my subscribers with beach photos. My appearance has given rise to a lot of rumors about my collaboration with Playboy. I'm not actually shooting for this magazine. I love photo shoots with pepper,but I never cross the line. I sometimes put up photos with loved ones. I recently showed my boyfriend, his name is Richard, in photos. Yes I have a serious relationship with him, but we are not talking about a wedding yet. My achievement. Famous in social networks as a fitness model. My training and training. Buttocks and legs training. Basic training. Also training your back, stomach, and arms. I mostly train my buttocks and legs – I don't spend a lot of time on light exercises and stretches. My training usually comes after the most difficult and difficult movements, which are worked out on several parts of the body, making several repetitions. This forces my body is growing, more than just doing body weight exercises or "cardio hours". However, I want to make my training more interesting and intense. I add a few isolating light exercises. They help me "upload" the muscles I was training with heavy weights that day. * Alternate deadlift, 4 sets of 6 repetitions * Engines, 4 sets of 8 repetitions * A glass of squats, 4 sets of 10 repetitions * Air squats, 4 sets of 8 * Sumo deadlift, close-grip, 4 sets of 6 reps Exercises for isolating the glutes. When I want to work on my glutes without using my legs, I adjust the specific way I do certain exercises. For example, if I want to aim my glutes at squats. I take a wide stance, and when I squat down, I will go deeper. This will reduce to minimizes the involvement of my legs and maximizes the tension on the glutes. My food I grew up eating healthy home-cooked food, and thi
  • Сайт: https://www.instagram.com/annanystrom/ https://www.instagram.com/nystrom.photo/ https://www.facebook.com/anna.nystrom.946 https://twitter.com/anna_nystrom https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvykOmBc-P4StIJT2glUkw/feed
  • Дата рождения:19 июня

Текущий статус

In order to achieve something in life, you need to work hard and not be lazy. In body training, the same principle applies.

Про хобби и интересы

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  • Интересы:

    Painting. Photography. Sport - Fitness


У каждого из нас есть друзья, знакомые, коллеги и родственники. Именно таких людей обычно мы френдим в социальных сетях. Ниже представлены все те, кого Anna Nyström считает своим другом.

Список друзей может иметь разную величину - от пары человек до нескольких тысяч людей. Здесь всё зависит от уровня социальной активности, коммуникабельности человека.

Если вы убеждены, что у пользователя есть друзья, но список пуст - попробуйте обновить страницу, вероятно, из-за нагрузок френды не отобразились, так иногда случается.


В социальных сетях люди часто делятся своими фотографиями. Впрочем, не обязательно это будут фотоснимки - часто выкладываются картинки, забавные изображения, другие интересные материалы.

Если фотографии пользователя не загрузились с первого раза, попробуйте обновить страничку - нередко информация не отображается сразу из-за высоких нагрузок.

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Это вполне нормальное явление, сталкиваются с ними как те люди, кто использует мобильные устройства, так и персональные компьютеры.