Люди публикуют о себе самую разную информацию. Кто-то рассказывает подробно о каждом моменте своей жизни, кто-то более лаконичен и предпочитает довольствоваться минимальным количеством сведений.
Иногда фото не загружается с первого раза - в этом случае рекомендуем просто обновить страницу (виной всему высокий уровень нагрузок и большое количество запросов к серверам ВК). В некоторых случаях отсутствие фото и друзей на странице обусловлено настройками приватности.
I teach the Winter Drumline at the school where I work-my students are awesome! I privately tutor kids in art and percussion. I love doing my own artwork when I have the time. I'm placing together my portfolio to try and get into a Masters Program at the moment.
art, music-specifically percussion/drumming
"Heirate Mich" (Rammstein), "Standing Outside the Fire" (Garth Brooks), Breaking Benjamin, Pink
Abschied von Sidonie (Erich Hackl), My Sister's Keeper, Vanishing Acts, Handle with Care, and more....(Jodi Picoult), Hop Frog (Edgar Allan Poe), The Cobra Event (Richard Preston), Poetry- in general, The Lovely Bones (Alice Sebold), Mondscheintarif (Ildiko von Kürthy), In the Heart of the Sea (Nathaniel Philbrick), Shadow-A Parable (Edgar Allan Poe)
The Big Bang Theory, Marcus Welby, The Mentalist, NCIS, Bones, NCIS Los Angeles, Jack Benny, Wheel Of Fortune
"Please, keep in mind, I'm an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit". -Eryka Badu
General Confusion- "I used to be pretty clear on what was real and what I made up, but with everything going on in the world, none of that seems to matter, so I just decided to talk less and smile to myself more, so as not to add to the general confusion."
Hide and Seek- "I was never good at hide and seek because I'd always make enough noise so my friends would be sure to find me. I don't have anyone to play those games with anymore, but now and then I make enough noise just in case someone is still looking and hasn't found me yet."
Blank Map- "This is a blank map that lets you go as far as you want in any direction, with no questions asked, but it's no help at all if you want to know if you're going the right way."
Dream World- "I mainly want someone to tell me I'm right and then pay me, he said. Is that too much too ask?" And I said, As long as you're living in a dream world, you might as well make it work for you."
Invention- "I always wanted to invent something that would move around and make funny noises and would change the world as we know it, and I forgot all about that until we had kids and now I see I came pretty close."
Gross Anatomy- "When I grow up, I want to be just like you, except for the hairs in your ears and nose. That's too gross. "
Whales- "I remember when the whales had wings she said. Whatever happened? I asked. It got to be too noisy with all the airplanes and other stuff, so they flew into the ocean and never came back. Some days, she added, I think about going too."
Inventing Evil- "He said who invented evil? I said, I wasn't sure anybody invented it, it just happened when somebody got tired of all the effort it took to live right. They probably didn't have anyone to teach them, he said I thought to myself, we might be doing this right after all."
Promise to Myself- "I will tell the truth unless I get confused and think I could get in real trouble if someone found out, in which case, I will lie as convincingly as possible for as long as I feel the need."
Partial Enlightenment- "The problem with knowing everything's going exactly as it needs to, is that when you're not having that much fun it doesn't even do any good to complain."
Enough Fluid- "I try not to cry about everything I've done wrong, she said. Because I don't get enough fluids as it is already."
..."Aber die aller-aller-aller-schlimmste weibliche Problemzone heißt: Mann. ...Jemand müßte sich mal die Mühe machen, herauszufinden, wie viele Jahre ihres Lebens eine Frau damit verbringt, auf Anrufe von Männern zu warten. 5 oder 10... Und weil Frau auf Anrufe von Männern warten, reunzelt sie die Strirn, und das hinterläßt eine häßliche Falte über die Nasenwurzel. Sie ißt mehrere Tonen weiße Schokolade...und reuinert ihre Figur und ihre Zähne und damit jede reelle Chance auf einen Anruf am Samstagabend".
"Happiness is like peeing your pants; everyone can see it, but only you can feel it's warmth."
У каждого из нас есть друзья, знакомые, коллеги и родственники. Именно таких людей обычно мы френдим в социальных сетях. Ниже представлены все те, кого Сара Стеффен считает своим другом.
Список друзей может иметь разную величину - от пары человек до нескольких тысяч людей. Здесь всё зависит от уровня социальной активности, коммуникабельности человека.
Если вы убеждены, что у пользователя есть друзья, но список пуст - попробуйте обновить страницу, вероятно, из-за нагрузок френды не отобразились, так иногда случается.
В социальных сетях люди часто делятся своими фотографиями. Впрочем, не обязательно это будут фотоснимки - часто выкладываются картинки, забавные изображения, другие интересные материалы.
Если фотографии пользователя не загрузились с первого раза, попробуйте обновить страничку - нередко информация не отображается сразу из-за высоких нагрузок.
Это вполне нормальное явление, сталкиваются с ними как те люди, кто использует мобильные устройства, так и персональные компьютеры.