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Swami Sachchidanand

Подписчики: 8735

фотография Swami Sachchidanand
Был активен в сети 18 марта 2023 в 04:51:54

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  • Живёт сейчас в:, Indore
  • Страница ВКонтакте:id392626509
  • О себе:Divine love is my religion, spread all over the universe. my religion is love, awareness thorough inside journey by real meditation, shakshi dhyan ,if u know yourself at that moment u are free from all bindings ,you became living god ,you will never take birth and never die , you will become immortal soul by knowing my path and i can convert every actual lover of god into LIVING GOD, please come and jump into my ocean of love. relagion is love ,awarness in side journy by actual meditration, shakshakee dhayan ,if u know yourself at that movement u are free from all boundations ,you became living god ,you will never born and never death , you will became immotal sole ,knowing my path and i can convert every actual lover of god in to LIVING GOD, please come and jump into my ocine of love about me more MY NAME IS SWAMI SACHCHIDANAND PARMAHANSA IT IS GIVEN BY MY MASTER AFTER SANYAS DEEKSHA This physical body of mine was born in Chachoda Distt, Guna (M.P.) India, in a religious family. My body was born in a respected family but I do not believe in cast, creed and religion and whole world is my family, I love all the living beings. Since my childhood I was a seeker of God and I am actual lover of God. I performed different type of spiritual methods suggested by my parents and spiritual monks, so when I was student in primary and middle school I was highly involved in different type of practices of spiritual Sadhanas and techniques as described in Hindu mythology. Ones upon a time I left my home and went to an Ashram for Sadhana, but due to affectation and forcefulness of my father I came back to home and completed my education ( B.Sc. Biology) and took part in social movement of India, but my journey towards enlightenment continued. I was like a honey- bee which goes from flower to flower to collect honey so I came across to different type of Gurus, they were masters in their discipline like yoga, Veda, Vedanta ,meditation ,chanting ,dancing, Yaghna, tantra ,mantra,kundlini-yoga,and other different types of spiritual practices, but i was a Hansa a curious person, I knew difference between water and milk ,in this phrase water represents mortal world and milk represents God the immortal soul .So I was not satisfied with this types of spiritual practices but the Self Enlightenment or Atmasakshatkar was not performed yet., —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, THE MAIN INSTITUTES AND PERSONS HELPFUL IN MY JOURNEY, 1. Ayodhyanath maharaj of Faizabad in 1971,panch mukhee hanuman mandir ,Bhopal, 2.Swami Chandangirije maharaj of Khandwain1982,Bandekuee ,Rajasthan, 3. Nageen Das shah Baba ,Burahanpur, 4. Yogi Vahaspratinath of bhakh barah panth Haridwar aae panthe in 1989,Bhakh barah panth, 5. Swami Shantanand paramhans a wondering monk, 6. Swami Ghyanandje maharaj of Ratlam ,M.P., 7. An unknown and unexplainable satgaru in deep mountains of Himalayas., —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, In this journey I understood this knowledge and did practices in different types of Sadhanas as Tantra ,Mantra ,Yantra , Bhakti Yoga, Dhyan Yoga,Kriya Yoga ,Patanjali Yoga, Kundalini Chakra Kapil Muni's Sankhya Sadhana, Bhairav Chakra Sadhana, Divine Light Sadhana, Anahadnad -Brahm Sadhana,Divya Neel Bindu Sadhana (blue divine light sadhana),Khecharee ,Chachree, Bhucharee, Agocharee, Shambhvi Maha Mudra, Bandh Jad -Samadhi, Sadhana , Samadhi Sadhana (different types ) in Natha's Institute in India .Meditation ,Objective Meditation ,Subjective Meditation , Non Subjective Meditation, Love meditation only for married couples, Awareness Meditation ,Shakshi Dhyan (meditation of witnessing),OTHER Meditation methods, Dynamic meditation, Kundalini Meditation, Gibberish Meditation, Natraj Meditation, Nada bramha, Chakra breathing, Chakra sound breathing meditation , Dev vani meditation, Gauri sh
  • Сайт:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g6N5QYW3kFwDr7203vEGA
  • Дата рождения:2 апреля 1955 (69 лет)
  • Религиозные убеждения:Secular Humanism
  • Источники вдохновения:LOVE LOVE AND LOVE
  • Главное в людях:доброта и честность
  • Главное в жизни:совершенствование мира
  • Отношение к курению:резко негативное
  • Отношение к алкоголю:резко негативное

Текущий статус

Я чистая любовь для всех вас, я буду молиться, помогать, благословлять вас. У меня так много ценных знаний и технологий, что ни у кого нет

Про хобби и интересы

  • Деятельность:

    https://www.facebook.com/groups/1211400502265406/ SACHCHIDANAND ADHYATM SEVA TRUST http://universityofenlightenment.yolasite.com http://disciplesofswamisachhidanand.yolasite.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRozS59nqR8

  • Интересы:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyjXDEKDWRY This is miraculous meditation brings, internal peace, internal prosperity, many qualities of normality of mind, good physical health without any workout and exercise or gym, or any type of yoga, this meditation make you stronger and stronger day to day, you can not caught in any type of tension created Diseases, like High or low blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, Brain diseases, Stress, depression, dementia, mental disorder, and many more such types diseases .So this meditation is most preventive spiritual psychological instrument .It bring in your life every type of health, wealth, balance love and brotherhood, it make person peacefully. This meditation grow day by day awareness in side so every mediator can see his mind and detach from the mind storms of thoughts, and save himself /herself from unpleasant conditions, like anger, lust grid, Possessiveness, SO by this meditation we can our world aware from every wrong activities, meditater can not involve in any type of crime because he can see the anger aware in anger and manage the energy of anger in right way, meditator can not involve any type of crime against women because he can aware in lust manage the lust and can use this productive energy by right way, meditator can aware in grid so he can not involve in any economic crime, black marketing smuggling or human trafficking.this meditation makes a mane internally moralistic, no need to teach or impose moral from out side So bye this meditation, every person who adopt this meditation in his /her life he will be a perfect person healthy wealthy wise strong and a good man /women .Every body knows the man and women are the unite of family, so men and women will be good the families will be good, families are the unite of societies, so good families aware families will make our societies great and peaceful, cooperating, loving and brotherhood societies .Every body knows societies makes nation, as societies as nation .so our nations will be peacefully aware and loving nation by this meditation instrument, it is great social engineering.There will no violence in nation all will live mutually understanding, loving and helping each other. Every body knows our mother EARTH is collective bunch of nations, as as this meditation will be became a part of every men life in all nations as as peace will be grow on our earth, by this peace and awareness, we can do many many, great tasks in favor of our worldwide welfare, we can make great ecological balance, we can grow new forests, we can remove pollution, we can repair ozone layer, we can manage blind compilation of unnecessary industrialization, and can fight with starvation and poorness . when than we can live on this earth with love and brotherhood we can solve all our problems without war, we all will be aware, no ego only love will be remain in us, so we can solve every conflict on negotiations table with love . you can imagine by this meditation we can stop all possibility of war and world war. So there is no war no need of distributive armament, no need of missiles, tanks, fighter jets, smart bombs, atom bombs, we can cut our all nations defense expenditure, we can save billions and billions dollars every year, and save millions innocent lives as well So by this meditation we can make this earth economically prosperous, man who do this meditation he can aware about food, cloth, and day to day life, he never take wine, tobacco, drugs, or any type poisonous food, he will be peaceful and protected by Diseases.so every man will save a lots of money which he was spading in pathology examination, doctor fee, operations and I.C.Us .and medicinal expenditure that huge money will save in every family will make family prosperous, no body will go to psychologists and psycho clinics, no body will perch-age medicines, no need of dispersion, no mantel hospital treatment .no body can imagine what a greatest gift i want give this world by this AWARENESS MEDITATION ..... Now by this aware meditation people became healthy, wealthy and strong, aware people never go in police, court, lawyer so our system will be feel relax and life will never unnecessarily embarrassed, ashamed.in this way a huge of money we can save .When families will rich and prosperous, our societies also rich in love, money help, brotherhood morally prosperous, our whole nations will be same like that rich, loving and prosperous, if we can success spread this meditation all over the world with in short time we can make world peace, we will not need huge expenditure of military establishment, peace and love will spread together, positive wisdom will use in welfare of mankind will need only one powerful peacemaking military, THE PEACEMAKING ARMY OF UNITED NATIONS ORGANISATIONS AGAINST those persons or nations who do not want peace or love they only and only demonic nature and do not want aware in internal love and awareness.But that will be very small expendit

  • Любимая музыка:

    all classical music of many country, i like but i like most Indian classical music

  • Любимые фильмы:

    i love movies, with love and devotion

  • Любимые книги:


  • Любимые телешоу:


  • Любимые цитаты:


Про опыт работы и образование

  • Jiwaji University'78
  • Faculty of Science
  • Очное отделение
  • Выпускник (бакалавр)
  • Vikram University'89
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Sociology
  • Очно-заочное отделение
  • Студент (магистр)
  • president
  • 2002–2016
  • non profit organisation
  • 2002–2016


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