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Volker Wegener

Подписчики: 4951

фотография Volker Wegener
Был активен в сети 29 сентября 2024 в 01:43:28

Проверяем доступную информацию Volker Wegener из социальных сетей...

  • Живёт сейчас в:, Leverkusen
  • Родной город:Leverkusen, Deutschland
  • Страница ВКонтакте:id163758491
  • Сайт:mewe.com/i/volkerwegener
  • Дата рождения:27 августа 1942 (82 года)

Про хобби и интересы

  • Деятельность:

    Volker Wegener Psychologist, Sociologist, Germany, English Language, Learning Chinese ___ Психолог, социолог, Германии, основных языках: английском, немецком и других языках: русском, французском, китайском, Ищу новых друзей из интернета во всем мире, особенно женщин, особенно из Китая.______, Psychologist, Sociologist, Germany, English language, Learning Chinese. Main languages: English, German. Other languages: Russian, French, Chinese. I am learning Chinese. Some further languages, I do partly understand., ___, I am looking for NEW knowledge. ___, 我学习汉语, Wǒ xuéxí hànyǔ

  • Интересы:

    Volker Wegener Psychologist, Sociologist, Germany, English Language, Learning Chinese.I am a psychologist and a sociologist, born 27Aug 1942, now retired. At start of year 2019: I am 76 years old. Universität zu Köln, Economics, 1964 - 1966. Universität Mannheim, Sociologist, Dipl.-Soziologe, 1966 - 1970. Technische Universität Berlin, Psychologist, Dipl.-Psychologe, 1970 - 1974. I am living in Leverkusen, Germany, near Cologne, Koeln, Köln.My main languages are English and German. My other languages are Russian, French, Chinese. My interests are all of social science, psychology and medicine. For 29 years, I had gone to the biggest book fair of the world in Frankfurt, Main, Germany, each day. There are about ten thousand non-fiction books in my personal book library(a large part in English). Before my start of the Internet in about the year 1993, I also had done the following: I often used worldwide amateur radio ( also in morse code, on shortwave, and via earth satellite), computer programming ( C and C++ ), hobby astronomy, playing the piano, DXing ie shortwave broadcast listening. I like Baroque music and Russian folk music. I am interested in world politics or geopolitics. I like www.rt.com . Brother Nathanael, russia-insider. China: http://www.globaltimes.cn/ What is the real world like? How does the world function? The more you know about something, the more intelligently you can decide. Internet surfing for many hours. Science of charisma. Adoring dominant charismatic women, FemDom, female supremacy, goddesses, spanking, breaking, BDSM, belly punching, wrestling. FLR, Female Led Relationship, Marisa Rudder, Disciplinary Wives Club, Disciplinary Couples Club, MF methods can be used by FM e.g. at wordpress.com, spankingyourwife, My websites: http://mewe.com/i/volkerwegener, https://volkerwegener.wordpress.com

  • Любимая музыка:

    Baroque music: Johann Sebastian Bach, Paolo Benedetto Bellinzani, Giovanni Battista Bononcini, Dieterich Buxtehude, Antonio Cesti, Marc Antoine Charpentier, Arcangelo Corelli, Evaristo Felice Dall’Abaco, Johann Joseph Fux, Michelangelo Falvetti, George Frideric Handel, Georg Friedrich Händel, Alessandro Marcello, Benedetto Marcello, Michel(e) Mascitti, Johann Pachelbel, Henry Purcell, Pere Rabassa, Pedro Rabassa, Johann Theodor Roemhildt, Domenico Scarlatti, Alessandro Scarlatti, Josef (Ferdinand Norbert) Seger, Carlos de Seixas, Pietro Torri, Antonio Vivaldi, Domenico Zipoli. (Neobaroque: Pablo Queipo de Llano, Federico Maria Sardelli ) ___, I also like Russian folk music

  • Любимые фильмы:

    Favorite movies: Brigitte Bardot, Cindy Crawford, Grace Kelly, Heidi Klum, Jessica Alba, Kate Moss, Kirsten Dunst, Liv Tyler, Marisa Rudder, FLR, Meg Ryan, Petra Schürmann, Salma Hayek, Sam Fox, Sandra Bullock, Teri Hatcher, Toni Braxton, Tyra Banks, Zuzana Light at BodyRock in tv

  • Любимые книги:

    Есть около 10 000 книг в моей личной библиотеке. многие на английском языке, почти все научные книги. I am interested in geopolitics, e.g. books by Aleksandr Dugin, videos by Sergey Glazyev, Evgeny Fedorov, and Nikolay Starikov

  • Любимые телешоу:

    RT America, RT, Russia Today, PressTV, CCTV 13, CNTV, CCTV, CGTN, Telesur, ___, RT America News, , ____, http://rt.com/on-air/rt-america-air/ eg in Europe can be listened to from eg 22 to 6 Central European Time.___ Russia:, http://rt.com/, http://english.pravda.ru/, https://sputniknews.com/, https://ok.ru/, https://www.vesti.ru/onair/, ___ Iran:, https://www.presstv.com/, https://en.irna.ir/, ___China:, http://tv.cctv.com/live/cctv13/, (for China in Chinese), http://chinadaily.com.cn/, http://www.bjreview.com.cn/, http://www.globaltimes.cn/, http://english.people.com.cn/, http://www.atimes.com/, https://www.cgtn.com/, ___ Venezuela:, https://www.telesurenglish.net/, __ _Deutsch:, https://deutsch.rt.com/, https://de.sputniknews.com/, https://www.kla.tv/, ___, many of the above are also on: http://www.you tube.com/, ___ Also very good are::, https://www.checkpointasia.net/, is now:, https:/www.anti-empire.com, https://www.sott.net/, http://www.informationclearinghouse.info, https://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/, https://www.almasdarnews.com/, https://southfront.org/, https://www.truthdig.com/, https://www.globalresearch.ca/, https://www.naturalnews.com/, https://www.strategic-culture.org/, https://russia-insider.com/en, https://translate.yandex.com/, Two search engines:, https://yandex.ru/, https://duckduckgo.com/, https://www.verbatim.com/subcat/optical-media/m-disc/, https://evilgoogle.news/index.html, https://www.newstarget.com/2019-07-02-google-to-block-all-anti-cancer-anti-vax-and-anti-gmo-websites-at-the-browser-level.html, https://www.stalkerzone.org/, https://www.rt.com/news/468789-mozilla-youtube-regret-radicalization/, http://www.unz.com/, http://www.unz.com/article/should-we-compete-with-china-can-we/, https://humansarefree.com/, https://www.rt.com/news/479860-mars-polar-ice-collapse-photo/, https://www.pravda-tv.com/2014/02/uberwachung-tauschung-und-rufmord-geheimdienste-manipulieren-internet-foren/, AFD:, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=30&v=zE8evPyQjkM&feature=emb_logo, https://pandemic.news/, https://collapse.news/, https://preparedness.news/, https://banned.video/, https://ozgurzeren.com/, https://blog.datawrapper.de/coronaviruscharts/, https://www.vegpool.de/news/hochdosierte-b12-praeparate-auf-amazon-gesperrt.html?newsid=2097, https://www.drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/B12_-_rationale_for_using_vitamin_B12_in_CFS, https://www.greanvillepost.com/, https://www.globalresearch.ca/greater-israel-the-zionist-plan-for-the-middle-east/5324815, https://www.sott.net/article/435903-Syria-Will-the-great-Middle-Eastern-war-begin-in-the-Levant, https://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2020/06/to-america-black-lives-only-sometimes.html?m=0#more, https://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2020/05/drawing-battlelines-us-openly-targets.html?m=0#more, https://www.rt.com/op-ed/492380-west-crimes-iraq-libya/, https://www.rt.com/op-ed/492166-british-tv-news-bias/, http://ovalcircle.info/, https://www.tehrantimes.com/, https://en.farsnews.ir/, https://orinocotribune.com/, https://orinocotribune.com/assange-extradition-after-cheering-assanges-abuse-journalists-have-paved-path-to-us-gulag/, https://thenewatlas.livejournal.com/, YouTube alternative:, https://www.bitchute.com/, bitchute censorship since Aug2020, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/, https://telegram.org/, (Search Telegram: RT, Al-Masdar, Global Times, China Daily, PressTV, etc), https://www.cgtn.com/, (cgtn wait for loading), http://oneworld.press/, https://orientalreview.org/, https://www.rt.com/news/526412-germany-telegram-app-fine/, https://www.rt.com/russia/525873-russian-propaganda-western-narrative/, https://socialistchina.org/, https://www.rt.com/op-ed/527472-solar-panels-create-more-waste/, https://www.rt.com/russia/530157-estonia-lithuania-migrants-razor-wire/, https://www.rt.com/op-ed/530610-rare-earth-metals-eco-dilemma/, https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/07/26/how-the-covid-scam-is-perpetrated/, https://newstarget.com/2021-07-25-cdc-withdraws-fraudulent-pcr-testing-protocol-used-to-falsify-covid-positives.html, https://newstarget.com/2021-07-25-cdc-withdraws-fraudulent-pcr-testing-protocol-used-to-falsify-covid-positives.html, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/08/08/video-pcr-test-is-an-outrageous-fraud-corona-virus-is-just-like-the-common-flu-reiner-fuellmich/, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/08/10/turning-flu-cases-into-covid-through-manipulation-easy-as-pie-2/, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/08/10/dr-cole-on-covid-shots-this-is-a-poisonous-attack-on-our-population-and-it-needs-to-stop-now/, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/08/10/digital-health-passports-the-snare-that-will-lure-many-into-the-one-world-cashless-system/, https://counterinformation.wordpress.com/2021/08/10/coronavirus-scandal-breaking-in-merkels-germany-false-positives-and-the-drosten-pcr-test-3/, https://telegra.ph/Corona-Fakten-Liste-der-wichtigsten-Artikel-09-08, https://www.bitchute.com/video/WmX8zol8NSwv/, ht

Про опыт работы и образование

  • Uni Köln'66
  • Universität Mannheim'70
  • Выпускник (специалист)
  • Technische Universität Berlin'74
  • Выпускник (специалист)


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Если фотографии пользователя не загрузились с первого раза, попробуйте обновить страничку - нередко информация не отображается сразу из-за высоких нагрузок.

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Это вполне нормальное явление, сталкиваются с ними как те люди, кто использует мобильные устройства, так и персональные компьютеры.