28 posts

Before your birth you were in bliss. Then you got separated and pain began. But: you were born with your body, your heart and you were given the ability to breathe and to think. These are your 4 instrumentsShow more to connect back to the Absolute, to reconnect with this bliss (in Sanskrit: Ananda). So there are minimum 4 ways.
1. Hatha yoga – you hone your body
2. Bhakti yoga – you use your emotions
3. Kriya yoga or pranayama - you work on your breath
4. Gnyana yoga – you sharpen your intellect
I will be teaching you how to use your breath as your life force and how to train your mind. Also some elements of Hatha yoga and Bhakti yoga. More at our online lesson in Zoom at the weekend.Write a message for more details.
96 people reacted
Научное понимание индийской системы варна и каста. Не то, что вы думали:))
9 people reacted
Дао/тао практика глазения на солнце.
11 people reacted
Как подготовиться к медитации по-индийски - 16 шагов. 3 min audio in Russian.
9 people reacted
Наваратри или 9 фаз в жизни женщины. 5 min audio in Russian about Sharada Navaratri.
14 people reacted