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Animated music video by ICONIC ART for ADVOKATY
Director, author of the idea MalchykShow more
Аrtwork, model Olena Karevo
Model Serhiy Yevtushok

"I prefer to live and you just die"
Every person was born to achieve a special and unique goal but not for replication someone’s lifeway. When you choose to live not to exist you can express yourself free. Instead, those people who go with the stream inhibit their potential. Everyone has a choice – keep an eye on the course of life or achieve the special goal. If you can’t make a decision, the lifeway will be dictated by circumstances. Born to be unique may end life as a copy.
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Watch the top 10 Ukrainian music videos 2018 according to DTF Magazine and choose the best one.
The animated music video by ICONIC ART for ADVOKATY is about theShow more life path. When you choose to live not to exist, you can express yourself free. Instead, those people, who go with the stream, inhibit their potential. Everyone has a choice – keep an eye on the course of life or achieve the special goal. Born to be unique may end life as a copy.
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