Новые подробности в деле 70-летнего сторожа, которому дали 5,5 лет строгого режима, после защиты детей от пьяницы и наркомана
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Two skeletons decide to take a vacation in Mexico.
On the way there, one of the skeletons gasps, “Oh no, we have to go back! I forgot my tombstone!”
The other skeleton looks at him, “Why would you need your tombstone in Mexico?”
“Well,” replies the first skeleton, “and how do you plan to cross the border without an ID?”
On the way there, one of the skeletons gasps, “Oh no, we have to go back! I forgot my tombstone!”
The other skeleton looks at him, “Why would you need your tombstone in Mexico?”
“Well,” replies the first skeleton, “and how do you plan to cross the border without an ID?”