128 posts
Damir Vancity
20 Aug 2011
Oleg Kutuzov
1 person reacted
Damir Vancity
19 Aug 2011
In da Saint-Petersburgh
5 people reacted
Damir Vancity
10 Mar 2011
, wow, thats soooo cool! You are very very awsome right now. Much more awesome then you've ever been before!
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post by Irina
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Damir Vancity
21 Oct 2010
Не очень понимаю почему все так ноют на счет стены. В FB так же уже на протяжении года и все нормально.
0 people reacted
Damir Vancity
13 Oct 2010
some fucking jerk stole my glasses.... soooo choked
0 people reacted
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