Hey there! I am an English tutor 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 in Minsk, Belarus🇧🇾. Nowadays this very language becomes more and more popular due to it's economy and tourism development📈. I personally do think that it isShow more very expensive 💰 to afford a tutor here, so I come up with very democratic prices and offer you to study with me by efficient Cutting Edge program. I guarantee your success in short time if you are motivated enough to be a good student🤷🏻‍♂🤷🏻‍♀ So Don't be shy to call me directly +375 (25) 700-93-64 or text me in whatsapp/viber/telegram ✉ for the information you need ☝ and good luck in studying! 👨‍🎓👨‍🎓👨‍🎓
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Hey Guys! 🤗 Another quiz came up to my mind and what I'm curious about today is CITIES! I really love to investigate new urban parts of the World 🌍, so I will be really happy if U will share your mindShow more and experience about your favorite city or at least the most attractive one for U. I'm basically gonna do the same with considering LA (Los Angeles) as my top one ✔. Don't be shy to comment and post some pics below, and let's see how much likes your city will gain 👍😉
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Первое занятие у меня проходит совершенно 💰БЕСПЛАТНО💰
На этом занятии мы с вами:
✔Беседуем, дабы понять, сможем ли работать на перспективу🤝;
✔Вы смотрите на меня как на преподавателя: подхожу ли я как наставник под ваши параметры, что вообще я из себя представляю и какой у меня подход к клиенту;
✔Вы проходите небольшое интервью 👨‍💻на английском, чтобы определить Ваш разговорный уровень;
✔Мы пишем небольшой тест 📝, чтобы определить уровень знания языка;
✔Вы говорите мне спасибо, какой я классный😛, и после этого я составляю программу (кроме раздела грамматики, который используется по одним из передовых учебников) конкретно под Вас по результатам вышеупомянутых нетрудных заданий 📊.
От себя хотелось бы добавить, что мне очень приятно работать с культурными, интересными людьми, которые хотят и стараются изучать иностранный язык, большое спасибо тем, кто выбрал именно меня в качестве наставника, я учу и учусь вместе с Вами! 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇬🇧🇺🇸
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Me And My Foreign Friends
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I personally still do not believe that another Year has occured. It seems that the older I get, the more I observe through the year that had passed without accomplishing many valuable things to me, how muchShow more time was spent on bullshit regretfully, it's kinda frustrating when U reminice and realise that it's all gone and not a single minute can be returned. That's what greeting a New Year is all about: one night U spend a time with family and friends to wish that another 365 days will be full of rejoice, peace, success, meaning and fun. U say wishes about hoping to avoid all the bullcrap can occur on your path, cuz that's life, and sometimes it can be reaaally ruthless. Now I know that for many of y'all folks all around the globe last 2 years was pretty tough. Especially 2016, shiiiiiit a monkey had bombed us with it's turd... 2017 was not so bad though, a rooster represents a new day, a rising, and that's what basicly happened, if U get what I mean. And now it is time for a DOG! Doggie, doggie, doggie. Well that's definitely a friend, that's a guy who will never betray U at any circumstanses unlike most human beings who can change U for a benefit. Dog is a real Dawg, bro. If we will do our best this year and push it to the limit, believe me, Doggie will help. But if U will do nothing, treat people bad and act like a filthy muthafucka, Doggie will bite your candy ass, U hear me, U hear me? In order to make all the good things happened this year we gotta stay strong, united like brothers and sisters, do a lot of hard work and struggle, keep faith and help each other. So I wish y'all to be happy, rejoice and prosperity in your families, maximum achievements and a lot of health! 🎄🎄🎄Happy New Year, dear friends! 🎄🎄🎄
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