
148 people reacted
Russian beauties better be ready to buy their tickets tomorrow Wednesday Dec 25 at 14h Moscow time!!!!
138 people reacted
Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes. I’m in the studio with Chris, recording the regular Monday podcast for all Patrons. Today it’s an interview about the challenges of running your own label whileShow more also being creative with multiple deadlines ahead.
This Saturday we will dedicate a video livestream to the album Kiss+Swallow, and Dec 26 will be a Xmas livestream with presents. That’s in addition to all the good things coming your way on the usual socials outlets.
Люблю вас 💕
210 people reacted
Picked up this old lady yesterday from downtowndogrescue . She’s had a rough life, barely any teeth left, possibly from constantly chewing at a fence trying to get out. She might have been used for breeding. WhateverShow more happened to her is now in the past and she will spend the rest of her life happy and healthy. Chris will reveal her new name to you on Patreon 💕 Thanks to the people at downtowndogrescue for rescuing old sick seniors from certain death. And to my friend thespookycat for volunteering and finding homes for those dogs. #adoptdontshop #iamx
150 people reacted
Ten days of dad time was not enough.
143 people reacted