
Описание: For many years the planet Cybertron has been the battleground for an ugly war between two different breeds of transforming robot. The peace-loving Autobots, led by their hero, Optimus Prime, fought off the evil Decepticons, ruled by the warrior, Megatron.
The Autobots' struggle for peace was useless. Eventually their only option was to flee their planet in search of freedom. And so the Autobots blasted off in a vast spaceship called The Ark, unaware that they were being followed by the Decepticons. The Decepticons boarded the Ark, but during the battle that ensued the spaceship malfunctioned and crashed into Mount St. Hilary, a dormant volcano on Earth. It remained there for four million years until the volcano erupted unexpectedly, breathing life again into Autobots and Decepticons alike.

Using their powers of transformation to blend into their new environment, the Autobots decided to disguise themselves as cars, lorries and motorbikes, believing them to be Earth's inhabitants. The Decepticons also adopted Earthen guises - aeroplanes to match the Autobots.
And so the fight continues on Earth...

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  • Количество участников: 62
  • Ссылка ВКонтакте:club173942
  • Тип сообщества: открытое

СОСТОЯТ в группе

  • Петр Жданов
  • Евген Царь
  • Никита Захаров
  • Антон Руймин
  • Игнат Селиванов
  • Evgeny Eroshin
  • Мага Омаров
  • Елена Белочкина
  • Михаил Бережнов
  • Eddy Gg
  • Александр Думцев
  • Blitzwing Decepicon
  • Araksh Chaosengineer
  • Максим Тарасов
  • Михрютка Зачем
  • Александр Пекарь
  • Карина Новицкая
  • Ярослав Копецкий
  • Марк Волков
  • Александр Долгов
  • Megatron The-Emperor